hari ni rasa gembira sikit.. supposedly I have to ask for this lecturer's signature like, a week ago. But then, I was too perfectionist in a way that he might ask me anything about FTIR. takut okayhh... actually, he's a good lecturer, cuma bila face to face dgn die, mak ai, ketar segala sendi kt badan nih! you know what? org yg slalu ckp die perfectionist tu adlh ayat lain utk maksud "i'm a chicken!" a.k.a penakut la tuh... hahahaha..

so, tadi dh 2x kot pegi naik bilik dia.. mula2 pegi, ada org,so I was thinking of waiting outside his room dgn harapan soklan yg die tanya nanti boleh la jawab kan.. but then, lepas that student dah keluar, peluh jantan mula menitik di dahi! dup dap dup dap... rase mcm x sedap ati.. eh, x tak boleh jadi nih.. so, turun la balik g lab yg memang jadi mcm PG room. pastuuu, rs menyesal pulak x mintak, sebab dh janji lame dh dgn of the technician nak bg borang tu.
so, after a bit more reading regarding the FTIR, pegi la balik ke bilik Dr ni dgn harapan die takde.. ekekeke.. and then, bile dh sampai dpn pintu, I was like.... "nak ketuk ke taknak ye?" pastu mule la terpikir segala macam ayat2 motivasi utk beranikan diri.. heh. tanpe berfikir panjang, straightaway I knock! knock! on his door.. oh, x berkunci rupanya.. here goes the conversation:
me: assalamualaikum Dr. sy nak mintak sign untuk guna mesin FTIR. (and I handed out the borang)
Dr: (tgok borang kurang 2 saat).. kenapa lama sgt br nk mintak? (sbb tarikh kt stu 28.06.11, arini dh 4th july kan)... n then dia terus sign..
me: time kasih Dr..
kuar bilik tu, rs excited sgt sbb x sangka kali ni bnasib baik.. he usually loves to ask anything theoretically! alhamdulillah, smpi rase nak tego sume orang yg I met during that time.. heh!

moral of the story: you never know until you give it a try. just go for it! as whatever may happens, you have that experience that can never be bought anywhere.