kadang2 kan, bila tengok people my age dah pegi travel merata tempat, it doesn't matter whether it's for holiday trip @ work trip, I do feel a tad jealous of 'em. I have this big, massive and huge dream to go travel one fine day. Dulu ingat nak belajar kat oversea, tapi tak kesampaian lah pulak kan, so I think for the holiday is good enough. Memang jeles tengok member2 rapat yg dah merasa pegi merata tempat, or at least they reside somewhere other than Malaysia. It's been my ultimate dream to go all around the world, you know.
So, positive thinking, maybe bukan rezeki sy lagi. I'm still stuck in USM, studying. But this is my choice, though. Bak kate dia, kalau sy dah kerja sekarang, maybe dah kahwin @ ade anak pun.. hee~ So, I just have to go through with this, right? tak lame dah pun...
Takpe lah kan, maybe rezeki utk travel tu akan tiba lepas kahwin? So that bleh travel bersama husband tersayang. Mungkin tuhan tu tahu kalau sy travel before kahwin, ade kemungkinan besar sy taknak balik2 sebab nak carik boipren matsaleh?

Salahkan kumpulan Westlife, lagi2 si Shane tu ye, sebab die lah dulu sy kunun2 tanak carik org Melayu jdik bf, last2 dapat jugak dengan org T'ganu, pure Malay lagi youu! harap2 berkekalan... aminnnn....
The bottom line is, God knows what's best for you. Be patient, the time of your life will come eventually. Dia Maha Adil.
p/s: It's been 4 years, syg, can you believe it? but I don't feel like 4 years, it seems like only 4 months since I've first met you. That's a good sign, right? I can't get enough of you, yet..