tonite i am fully bloated with foods at Seoul Garden. sgt2 kenyang mkn kt situ. abes plan nk kurgkn mkn time bln pose ni. my other half pnye idea yg ajak g mkn kt stu. Seoul Garden is a restaurant that offers you a buffet package ranging from 23.99++ to 27.99+ per person. harga berbeza ikut weekday or weekend and normally, dinner diorg charge lbih sket. but believe me, super duper berbaloi. a lot of food to choose from. their specialties is on how they marinated the meat and the chicken. mcm2 perasa ade. hehe. and if you are brave enough, try coffee meat. the name implies that the meat is marinated with coffee. sdp, tp sy x suke sgt. hehe. my fav? tomyam squid. sdpnyee.. masih terase2 di mulutku ini. hihihi. seafood pn ade. seronok sbb kte yg masak sndiri sume2 tu, BBQ style or you can choose any soup that you want. mcm men masak2 pn ad. hehe. and the best part for myself is i can make my own cendol and ABC. how many you want is up to you stomach to decide ;)
enjoy this pic. it wasnt taken tonite, but the venue is the same, Seoul Garden. tp x sure kt KL ade ke x. kt penang ad 3 branch. try it out yourself. ;)

x bole tdo lg ni. have some works to do.
till next time.. nite friends. ;)
ehem! aku terigt kata-kata kau ritu "bukan perut kau yang pecah, periuk tu yang pecah"...adoi.pecah prut gelak bila igt balik.
hahaha.. ain2. ingt ko lg ye .. tharu aku ;)
bile nk bw aku pulak neh?
dtg la sni dlu syg.. nnt aku bwk, tp kne ikut time yg berduit la.. hee~
wah bestnye, kena google ni kat area KL ade tak. musti mahu cuba
x silap aishah ad kt kl.. kt one utama pn ade.. try la kak. sgt sedap ;) trase lg smpi skang..hihi..
yeay~ sile btau bile anda dpt gaji ye.yesss!
ok.. bile sy dpt gaji, br ad duit nk isi mnyk kete. mknn dh sah2 anda yg byr utk sy.. hahahaha..~
ade la kat KL..kat OU n far yg akak nampak la..hihihi
haa.aah..btul2.. OUad.. tp sy ni jalan2 kt kl mmg fail.. stkt nek komuter reti la.. tp kalo drive, mmg x tau lgsg.. teringin nk g OU.. :)
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