it's weekend and i have been staying in my room all day long, majoring in sleeping. hehe. btw, i just finished watching t
his movie called "The Jane Austen Book Club" and i am totally into it. dont know why, but the passion showed by each of the member makes me wanna read a book and finish it today! got a few in mind, like Starting Over by Tony Parson or Blue Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas. normally it takes me weeks to finish a book, it's not that i don't enjoy reading, but i dont seem to find a perfect time to read it. tetiba rs nk beli sume buku written by Jane Austin. ye, i tend to overspend money and currently working to overcome it

last thursday, me, my other half and my friend
sara Sara went to Sunway Carnival and we had a blast time by watching AVATAR. what can I say, two thumbs up to James Cameron for his extra ordinary thinking of creating this movie. I mean, come on, this man is a genius! who would have thought that we could see those magnificent scenery, the Ikran, the Toruk, and also all those glow-in-dark living things! not forgetting how creatively he created the Na'vi people. plus, the language of the Na'vi itself is terrific! definitely there a lot of things we can learn from this movie, which are from my opinion,
- people nowadays are so anxious to explore our one and only Earth until at one point they tend to forget the importance of keeping things on the way they already are, in order to keep balance between human and other living things. we ain't got another Earth.
- we should have respect for other people, by not simply intruding their place and get rid of them in a cruel way. let's live happily together.
ok, enough of me bubbling. hehe.
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