"if what you're working for really matters, you'll give it all you've got" [nido qubein]
Sunday, January 24, 2010
hari ini perlu lebih serius mmbuat kerja2 yg serius stlh smlm bersuka ria
oh ya, last night i managed to watch Tooth Fairy, where the main actor is The Rock! yeah.. it was fun and hilarious. gelak mcm nk pecah perot kot.. totally recommend this movie for those yg nk menghiburkan hati di hari minggu
haaa...nk tgk jugak..tapi gaji xdapat lagik laa..huhu..
dah berkurun tunggu gaji nie...
aku bulan 1 ni x tau dpt ke x jeka.. borang dh anta sjak 14/12 tp smpi skrg x dpt2 lg.. ape yg sush sgt tah aku pn xtau. tensen! uwaa..
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