1) Classic pumps
-dikatakan org yg suka jenis kasut mcm ni adlh seorang perempuan yg bekerjaya.
- basic rules in life : kerja kuat, dpt gaji lumayan, mghargai nilai persahabatan dan kekeluargaan.
- anda juga bijak, boleh diharap dan seorg kwn yg setia
2) Sneakers
- aha! this kind of girl is very cool, approachable and witty!
- dlm perbualan, anda suke menyelitkn unsur2 humor utk menceriakn lg keadaan.
3) Stilettos
- one word, confidence!
- tidak takut utk menyatakan apa yg anda mahu
- berani melangkah ke hadapan
- modern at appearance, but traditional at heart
4) Mary-janes
- suka keadaan yg tersusun, kemas dan teratur, tapi tidak memboringkan ok! hehe..
- have a great sense of playfullness
5) Open peep toes
- sinonim dgn "natural flirt."
- kemana jua anda pergi, pnuh dgn semangat dan gaya yg tidak berlebihan.
so, which one are you? and as for me, I've been in love with mary-janes since a long time ago, and open peep toes is one my favorite now. even ad yg ckp kasut cmni huduh, but i still love it. different people have different taste, right?
all pictures are credited to womenshoesize, nypost.com, myairshoes.com, omiru.com, and shoeshipper.
have a nice and fun weekend ;)
i love this post!! and i love shoes too!! hahaha....
i love shoes more! tp dh lme x beli.. kne sound dgn cik abg, xde duit nnt kne rebus kasut2 tu..hehehe..
mine is mary -jane!! wahahaah
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