i know it's already 2 o'clock in the morning, but once the mood of typing has come, x kisah la kul bpe pn ttp akan rase nk menaip jugak.. yesterday, i mean Wednesday, i had so much fun! first and foremost, ptg td aku, sara n nanie g mkn kt one of the restaurant kt pekaka.. mine was tomyam campur.. tgh syiok2 mkn tu, tetibe.... ADE SEEKOR LALAT! duhh!! patah trus selera.. hari isnin hari tu ad beli kuey teow kung fu kt kedai lain, tgh mkan jmpe nyamuk n LANGAU! kalo lalat x leh tolerate, apetah lagi langau yg besaq n kaler ijau tuh.. eww! geliii!!! okeh, this is the picture of the tomyam.. kedai ape x leh bgtau, sian mcm tutup pintu rezki diorg lak.. but luckily, i didnt have to pay any dime! :D
TETAPI, bile ktorg smpi je kt blok, tnmpk sesuatu....
tadaaaa!! nasik lemak sotong yg paling murah n sedap pnah i jmpe.. singgit je you! mmg kenyang la mkn.. ilang sume diet.. hahaha.. much more worth dr tomyam tu..later that day, me and my other half went out together. dh lme ajak die tgok cte Date Night, sbb i tau cte tu mmg best. so, td instead of going to Sunway Carnival, he made a surprise by going to Queensbay Mall. heee.. so, kotrg beli tiket, smyg maghrib n mkn..and after that tgok cte. it is a must-watch movie i tell u! very hilarious.. x abes2 gelak.. mase tgok tu pay attention kt ape yg diorg ckp, sure korang akan gelak terkekek2... hihihi.. n on our way back home, he gave me something...............
suke sgt sbb da lme x dpt adiah.. (kunun2 lame la sgt). tp suke sbb it was a total surprise from him considering the fact that today's our relationship has turned to 2 years and 6 months. i know it is not much, but it was worth it! i wish there will be more and more years to come for us! aminn.. doakan eh ;) these are some of the photos yg gedix2 that i managed to capture...
i love you.

i guess this is my favorite spot all the time! x tau npe tp suke sgt amek gmba kt sni..
and last but not least, nk tnjuk musim bunga sakura kt USM ni.. skang dh xd dh, tp nk tnjuk jgk gmba nih...

ok, mood menaip semakin lemah.. will write more later.
good nite people..
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