do you believe in 2nd chance? I do! bila dh umur makin mghmpiri level matang nih, ehem2, rs mcm byk sgt kot aku bermonolog. I've been thinking a lot! literally about everything. and lately, one thing that came to mind is when someone is given the second chance to prove something to others.
what type of 2nd chance that I got? well, byk sgt kategori yg aku rs aku bkn stkt peluang ke 2, ke 3, ke 4 dan ke berapa tah aku pn x pasti, tp yg pastinya, most of the times,
I DID NOT appreciate the opportunity that God once gave me. x hargai ni bg aku mcm x teruskn bnde yg aku dapat tu dgn
istiqamah, or in other words, continuity. bile buat something, mest sekerat je. pastu benti. pastu bila nk start balik. kne mule dari zero sbb dh lame tingglkn. it's like all for nothing!
contoh paling simple yg aku leh bg... hmm.. exercise! mcm joging!. cm aku, dh seminggu maintain joging, rentak joging pun dh dpt, kira dh leh lari satu kampus ni dgn selambanya, xd la nk terkapai2 menarik napas..pastu tbe2 aku stop, dgn alasan byk keje la, itu la, ini la.. bila rs jeans tu dh x muat ke, bdn rs berat ke, baru la terkedek2 nk start joging balik. haa, masa ni br la rs nyesal, marah, benci sume ad sbb x maintain joging. hahahaha.. eh, logik x contoh yg aku bg nih?
ok, smbung nnt la.. nk cte sket pasal joging nih.. ehem2.. skang nk smyg n buat pape yg ptt. ;)
till next time peeps!
