hari ni rsnya buat kerja dgn bsungguh2.. kot? i dunno, but i feel like i need to feel the
pain and the joy of finishing something that I write, regardless of the quality of "results and discussion" part. hehehe.. dh x sempt dh kot nk tuka or tambah result baru. i just managed to improvise the old ones, and hope it is enough utk kali ini. :-s
and I guess I'm just being me, a typical malay yg mmg suke sgt2 buat gheja last minit nih! mmg betul2 last minit, dan ditambah pulak kalau gheja tu xpe anta over deadline sbb ad org dalam yg tlg. muahahaha.. ekceli, rs menyesal sbrnye. byk kali kot dh bjnji dgn diri sndiri,
''Aishah, pasni ape pun keje yg ko buat, pastikn siap awal2 ye, xd la kelam kelibut, tensen semacam nnt."
and the result?? I am still being the typical me, typical malay yg mmg suke last2 minet pnye keje.
pastu rs menyesal dan sedih sbb tak explore betul2 kebolehan dlm diri. (-__-)
current worksation. thx to pihak desa sbb provide a larger table utk org yg super byk brg mcm sy ni.. wpun area dpn loker muat2 utk sy sorg je tgok cermin, belek2 muka, tp sy berpuas ati. time kasih lg skali ye :Dp/s: rsnye utk entry yg akan dtg, nk letak at least 1 image. bolehkah? let's cekidaut later.
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