hari ni ad spot check kat lab, org dr unit pembangunan dan ape tah dtg wat inspection, and of course, we had gotong royong last week, label bnde tu, label bnde nih, and make sure everything looks good and professional! konon la..
and my roomate sudah selamat kembali ke Malaysia n Penang. before ni dia g US lawat adik dia grad and sambil2 tu g makan angin. best jgk ye kalo ad byk duit nih, mcm2 tempat leh g, and leh beli. and she got me something!

cantik kan? hehehe... she knows how much I love tinkerbell... masa mula2 akak rumate bg, agak terover excited jgk la.. I thought it was a music box or something, but it is a decanter with a very nice smell. hmm, kalo ad bath tab, for sure dh lama berendam nih..
till then~
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