ntah la, tibe2 rs takut sume yg di plan xkn jadi. im not indicating on a specific plans, but plan2 yg mmg dh dirancang b4 nih.. (ayat pun dh x btul dh nih).. tbe2 terpk, mcm mane kalo sume yg dirancang x jdik, dan xkn jdik smpi bile2, smpi mase yg aku sndiri pun x tau bile..
and tbe2 terpk, rs sedih sgt tgok org lain dh achieve diorg pnye dream, and i cannot stop wondering whether my dream will be as good ad theirs, or even better?
hmm... hari yg x best utk aku hari ni...
mood tgh xbaek je aishah...don't worry be happy =)
im ok now.. thanks.. hee ;)
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