On our way back, there were lots of things that we talked about. maklum la, sejak lepas kawen, mmg xd chance nk jmpe dia and borak personally sbb we were busy with our own works. She just moved in to a new house, so mmg bz lg la dari aku.
Dalam byk2 bnde yg ktorg borak, ad satu bnda ni yg mmg aku x kn lupa, and bila ingt balik, rs nk tersengih je.. hehe.. die ckp lebih kurang mcm ni.. "bile ko da kawen nanti, ape yg ko expect dr dia mmg totally different! x kisah la ko dh kenal dia 4-5 tahun before kawen, tp bile lps kawen, definitely ko akan rs mcm die org yg baru ko kenal!" hahahah.. the reason of me laughing is because before ni, mmg ad bace kt mane tah, bila kita kwen, ad 110% lg bnde psl dia yg kte rs kte dh tau, but we are totally WRONG! byk lg bnde psl si dia yg kita akan figure out lps kwen nnt. *wink*
I guess the article was right! sbb dh jd kt one of my closest friend. And as always, like any other newly wed, pasti die akan ckp cmni, "best kahwin! cpt2 sket shah!" hahaha... mmg sy pun x saba nk figure out bnde baru pasal bakal hubby. moga dipermudahkan segalanya.. insyaAllah.
this is the pic taken on the way balik td. sgt sejuk skrg sbb tiap2 ari hujan, siyesly xd mood nk buat ape2 other than berhibernasi sahaja! mari melawat kampus sy! ;)

hm.it depends kot.if mase bercinta perangai kita plastik, mmg la lepas kawen rasa TOTALLY different & rasa mcm orang yg baru kenal.it's just that mmg mase bercinta xkan dpt tau 100% tntang someone sbb ada batasan.
of course la lps kawen ada different sbb b4 kawen mana bley explore/buat bnde org yg dh kawen buat.huhu~~& lepas kawen mmg dapat tau lebih lagi perangai masing2 mcm2 sbb dh 1 bumbung.
yeah, knal 4-5 tahun b4 kawen pon ofkos ada beza bila dh kawen.:)
wah.. pnjg komen kamu.. it's good sbd ad point of view org yg mmg dh kwen cm ko.. yg totally different tu rsnye kwn aku x mdsudkn totally tu as if die or hubby die perangai plastik..nmpk diorang sgt okayyy.. maybe just an indicator and ayat penguat yg menyatakan bila kawen ni byk ko akn discover bnde baru..and true enough, diorg knal adlh dlm 5 tahun lebih.
tp aku x leh ckp byk2, sbb aku kawen pn x lg.. skdr bace dan dgr shj..haha..
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