there was this one time where I couldn't sleep at all. so, all
I did was the thing that any of girls in this world do their best.. shopping!! hehe.. dgn x malunye aku pegi ke bilik one of my labmate, kak yana.. her roomate which happened to have
a sis living in Japan,
menjual baju2 & aksesori yg menarik all the way from Japan. and bile dh duk situ, each and every baju yg die jual aku belek2, godek2, even before ni dh tgok, godek, belek byk kali... sj tgok2 balik kot2 ad yg terbekenan time tu... but sadly... nothing that captured my eyes.. :(
so, beralih ke aksesori.. die jual gelang, phone strap & hairband.. sume design cool2 and chick style. belek pnye belek, I finally chose these 3 items.. total money spent?
RM7 only.. :)
siap dpt free paper beg kaler
pink lg yoouu..

yg dpt free tu belah kanan, yg belah kiri tu from Etude House, aritu ad beli make up fixer. not bad jgk Etude House ni.. but I prefer to shop at Elianto.. smpi bile pegi kdg2 dh x tahu nk beli ape.. heh.
till next time ;)
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