Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm back!

wahh.. setelah sekian lame x menulis (menaip exactly), arini br ad mood. thx to zaikha sbb men-trigger-kan mood I nk ber-belog.. hehehe..

since my last post, of course there are lots of things that happened.. yg best dn yg x best. among them are:

1) my birthday - i went to kelantan with my other half
2) ladies night almost every weekend with my lab's collegue *giggle*
3) my car broke down just before lebuhraya timur barat.. (sgt bersyukur)..

and of course, every event mesti la ad picture kan.. will upload them later..

for now,just warming up my writing style

will write more later.. thanks sbb sudi baca kamu2 ya.. *hugs*

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jeka~ said...

hehe..terharu i..sebab i,u ber'blog' balik..hehhehe...

-aishah- said...

hehehe.. mmg sbb you pn :p ee, x sabanye nk blnje you tgok eclipse ni!

~anis said...

hehehe~ dier je ke aishah??? me?

-aishah- said...

tak... anis pun skali la.. pakej satu uma... hehehehe..