Friday, November 5, 2010

renung2kan & slmt beramal :)

Salam semua..

fuh.. today I am extremely relieeveddd.. sbb exam dh abes.. yahoooo!! it was my pra syarat utk grad nnt, so I have to take this one paper yg bleh tahan jgk tahap kesusahan die.. lg pun, dh dekat setahun x amek any exam, so rs mcm x tau gila cane nk adapt dgn exam kali nih.. early sem dule, berazam utk dptkn A, tp smlm, berazam utk lulus pn dh cukup @_@..

Ok, we move to another completely different story. ;) As I was on my way back to Penang last Wednesday, kebetulan time tu dekat2 nk pukul 7, dgr Hot fm. Diorang ade segmen baru, Hot Fm Refleksi (kalo x silap la), where this segment is focusing more on muhasabah diri, which is good I think. dpt jgk dengar lagu Raihan yg dh lme x dgr tu, lg dr Maher Zain and lagu2 lain yg bersifat ketuhanan. and setiap kali abes 2 lagu, Prof Izi Ali yg tkenal dgn tagline "renung2kn, dan slmt beramal" tu, die akan bg tazkirah sikit.. this is what I've got so far during the journey to the north.. :D sorry kalau ad yg tersilap paham and maksud x smpi kt kamu ye... sy hnye manusia biasa ;)

1) jaga adab di rumah tetamu
- meaning that kalau kite g umah orang tu, jgn la duk sibuk2 tnye psl mkn ke, itu ke, ini ke.. kalau kite dh tau org tu x mmpu nk sediakn mknn yg best2, x yh gatai mulut nk request itu ini okay :p

2) berkumpul utk dpt kasih Allah
- instead of berkumpul utk lepak2 minum kopi, mengumpat ke, why not kita berkumpul di majlis2 ilmu, bertukar maklumat, insyaAllah kita akan dapat kasih dr Allah.. bukan dr manusia... jgn main2.. kasih Allah itulah yg paling agung.

3) berjihad di jalan Allah
- berjihad kt sni bukan brmksud kte g berperang mcm zaman Nabi dulu2, tp berjihad utk melawan hawa nafsu kita sndiri. nmpk senang, tp when it comes to practise, it is real hard, esp hawa napsu utk bersoping for a woman like me ;)

4) second chance
- do you believe in second chance? afraid not, because the greatest men amongst us also didn't succeed in their first attempt. They tried and tried and tried, and if it's not for them, xkn ad kot electricity, bulb, telephone and whatsoever technology that most of us couldn't live without. :)

5) mmbntu org lain tnpe mgharapkn balasan
- Allah swt suka & syg pd org yg bila die tlg org lain, xd mgharpkn ape2 balasan. lebih dr cukup kn? ;)

1 comment:

fyezrahman said...

like dis!!! :D

lame da xdgr hot fm..kt cni xdpt r..huhu